The Hustlers – Hustlers follows a crew of savvy former strip club employees who band together to turn the tables on their Wall Street clients.
Q-tips say: The strippers turn the tables on their clients? Really? What they do is to end up drugging them, robbing them by using the credit cards of the clients – sometimes to the max & then go out and spend, spend, and live the high life. Many famous names & bodies.
Mrs. Q says: There are plenty of pole dances, bump & grinding and way too much skin but probably less than what sometimes we see nowadays. The second part of the movie is better but that does not mean you should watch this movie. Did they get caught? Yes. But the sentence of approx. “a slap on the hand.” One might see what these women did as anything other than petty crime(?) while still being sympathetic to their economic situations- REALLY?????—-I think NOT.
Ladies, Stop feeling sorry for yourself about your economic situation & past — ———-GET A REAL JOB and don’t rob the stupid wall street clients who feel they need/or want to spend their hard earned money on this type of venue.