White Christmas

White Christmas Sing-Along - Film Soundtrack and Screening | LA Phil | Walt  Disney Concert Hall
White Christmas

Singers Bob Wallace (Bing Crosby) and Phil Davis (Danny Kaye) join sister act Betty (Rosemary Clooney) and Judy Haynes (Vera-Ellen) to perform a Christmas show in rural Vermont. There, they run into Gen. Waverly (Dean Jagger), the boys’ commander in World War II, who, they learn, is having financial difficulties; his quaint country inn is failing. So what’s the foursome to do but plan a yuletide miracle: a fun-filled musical extravaganza that’s sure to put Waverly and his business in the black!

Q-tips say: We enjoyed it. Great songs, gentle humor and a dose of syrup which is not to everyone’s tastes, but worth buying to keep that Christmas spirit going until next year. More for adults than the little ones.

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