Dolphin Tales 2

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Several years have passed since Sawyer Nelson (Nathan Gamble) and the team at Clearwater Marine Hospital gave Winter the dolphin a prosthetic tail, thereby saving her life. Now however, a new crisis has arisen. Winter’s elderly surrogate mother, Panama, has died, which leaves Winter without a pool mate. According to USDA regulations, dolphins cannot be housed alone; unless a new companion can be found quickly, Clearwater will lose Winter to another aquarium.

Q-tips say: YES, watch it. We liked it. Much better than the news & articles now a days. Relax & be happy. Featuring a few beautiful scenes that will probably warm the heart of the most hardened cynic, Dolphin Tale 2 makes for some wholesome family fare.

Mrs. Q says: It’s a good old-fashioned family film with animals you will adore, people you will enjoy, and a story that will make you feel better.

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