The highly anticipated sequel follows our four best friends as they take their book club to Italy for the fun girls trip they never had. When things go off the rails and secrets are revealed, their relaxing vacation turns into a once-in-a-lifetime cross-country adventure.
Q-tips say: We enjoyed it. No one watches a film like Book Club: looking for Shakespearean drama that tests the morals of humanity itself. The Book Club Next Chapter is for innocent and heartfelt fun which the film delivers on excellently. The Next Chapter is another easygoing lark that does zero that’s unexpected yet still generates just enough genuine laughter to make its sitcom-level simplicity bearable.
Mrs. Q says: If you are in the mood for a light comedy with some dynamic actresses who feel like genuine friends than Book Club: The Next Chapter is a great choice. I would love to live their life, travel with good friends, don’t even think about the cost of traveling, etc. & have great clothes & eat & drink that wonderful wine from Italy.
If you were in Italy or perhaps wondered how Italy is: THIS IS THE MOVIE FOR YOU! Awesome scenery. etc. The Q’s did visit Italy & this movie brought back many fun, good memories.