In Limbo

After Charlie’s best friend Nate dies, Charlie must help his ghost with unfinished business. hulu – streaming –

Q-tips say: Yes, watch it. We enjoyed.

In Limbo tells the story of Nate and Charlie. Nate died ( not a spoiler, keep your shorts on), and Charlie still sees Nate as he can not "pass over."

Which means, Nate, can not get into the after-world, because he is in limbo.

A premise, done before? Yes. Has it been done better? 100 percent No. This show is so enjoyable. 

Can't even begin to tell you how wonderful these two play off each other. And Emma Harvie who plays Freya, Nate's widow, along with all the supporting cast are fantastic. HIGHLY recommend this  series. Just, Wonderful.
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