Sean Adams Heroic Voice Academy

12/9/2020 – Know your Audience – Know The 4 Types One of the central keys to effective communication is being able to understand who is in your audience. There are a lot of ways to understand the personalities of people, he one I like best is called the BANK system. It is what we use here at @HeroicVoice to help people know their audience. You can get your own BANK assessment for free in less than 5 minutes at: This so important because no conversation is one-directional. Every conversation consists of three parts: The speaker, the audience, and the message being delivered. The part so many people forget when in communication with colleagues is that they have to understand the colleague, how they think, how they view the world, in order to effectively communicate the message. People will default to the communication style that is their natural type, but it is imperative you also communicate in the style that will resonate with your audience. Learn to identify if your audience is a Blueprint, Action, Nurture or Knowledge and to speak with them in their language. Keep an eye out for more posts tomorrow explaining the four types… #YourHeroicVoice #humanresources #hr #humanresourcesconsulting #humanresource #hrconsulting #BusinessCommunication #TipsTuesday