“Mrs. Brown’s Boys” follows the life and antics of Agnes Brown, a Dublin matriarch who interferes in the lives of her friends and family members. Brown’s six children include eldest son, Mark, who has been running the family since his father died when Mark was a young boy. Brown faces family troubles and attempts to fix everyone’s problems, even going as far as joining a counseling session to find out what secrets her family is keeping from her.
Q-tips say: Yes, watch it. We found it funny, goofy, silly, & at times ridiculous but enjoyable. Had a good time laughing many times.
Mrs. Q says: During exceptionally difficult times in the world, having a program that completely takes your mind off these terrible issues is HUGE. We laughed so hard at every episode of this sitcom it takes minutes to recover. Love Brendan Katy and all the cast. They are having so much fun. Need more of that! For anyone who doesn’t appreciate this humour, throttle back, take the time to watch and listen, and enjoy. You’ll live longer if you give yourself an hour or two to laugh hard. Don’t worry, the dire realities aren’t going anywhere. But maybe you can approach these issues with a little different perspective and who knows, things may get a little better.