ORPHAN TRAIN – Christina Baker Kline
Mrs. Q says: Read it. It is the type of book you will not want to put down.
If your children/grand children complain about their lives, are spoiled (whose fault might that be?), etc.?
Ask them to read this book and see what a hard life really is for these young children and perhaps they will appreciate what they now have.
Orphan Train is a wonderful story about so-called orphan trains that ran regularly from the cities of the East Coast to the farmlands of the Midwest between 1854 and 1929 that carry thousands of abandoned children whose fates would be determined by pure luck. Would they be adopted by a kind, loving family, or face a childhood and adolescence of hard labor and servitude? Read Orphan Train and enjoy the friendship that emerge between a ninety-one-year old women and the young woman.