Gothenburg, Sweden – Tour offered from the Norwegian ship “The city of Gothenburg.” Q-tips say: Nice informative tour. Large port for industry/shipping/ trading.
Drove across Alvborg Bridge and Masthuggs Church for vista views of the city and port. Then drove past and photos to Botanical Gardens and visit the rock garden, then off to the center of the city. Pass the Museum of fine arts, Concert Hall, Theater and Library. The square is dominated by Carl Milles sculpture “The Poseidon Fountain.” We came on “graduation day.” They had celebrations in the middle of the plaza. We were not able to park our bus and go there. Our tour guide said later the kids will be drunk and having a good time. At first, Mrs. Q thought it must be “college graduation, ” but it was “high school.” There were fire works going off in the middle of the crowds and of course most of us stayed closer to the bus.
Many Muslims wearing all white garb for “graduation.” The Muslims have a tradition that the family carries a large portrait of the graduate when they were a child with them during celebration to show that now how the child has grown.

Alvsborg Fortress

Mosque in Gothenburg Sweden- built by Saudi Arabia

In town Graduation in Gothenburg, Sweden -with fireworks going off in the middle of the crowd……
Poseidon Statue
Masthuggskyrkan Church
Back to Chicago – Home sweet home!