Mrs. Q says: Just when you might have thought to walk thru Graceland cemetery which is full of history & haunting, since you are a little bored due to C-19 & would not have to worry too much about masks/social distancing, etc. Well, not so fast. The Uptown cemetery could be closed “for a very long time.” Famed Graceland Cemetery Closes after Storms cause “Severe & Extensive Damage.”

Inez Clark (1873-1880) died at the age of six. Her parents commissioned a life-sized statue, which was completed a year later by a Sicilian sculptor, and placed over the grave. Later, a transparent plexiglass box was added to protect the likeness from the elements.
According to local legend, a night watchman, making his rounds during a storm, came across Inez’s grave and saw that the box was empty. He fled, never to return. The next morning, the statue of the little girl was back in its usual place. Others have claimed to have briefly glimpsed a small child in 19th-century dress wandering through the cemetery.
Inez’s grave remains popular today, perhaps due to the high quality of the likeness. The image remains in nearly perfect condition thanks to its protection from the elements.
Does it get much creepier than a monk with a blackened face as your final resting spot? Maybe if the artist also named the statue “The Eternal Silence”. And, maybe, if you consider that local lore says that bad things happen to anyone who attempts to take a picture of Dexter’s final resting place. According to legend, your camera might break or you will find a blurry photo if you try to capture the monk’s solemn visage. Another tale? If you look directly into the monk’s eyes, you will see a split second vision of your own death