The Fabulous Four

If three’s a crowd, four’s a party! THE FABULOUS FOUR is an uproarious comedy about a group of life-long friends (Susan Sarandon, Megan Mullally, and Sheryl Lee Ralph) who travel to Key West, Florida, to be bridesmaids in the surprise wedding of their best college girlfriend Marilyn (Bette Midler). Over the course of one outrageous trip, sisterhoods are rekindled, the past resurfaces, and there are enough sparks, raunch, and romance to change all their lives in unexpected ways. Prime video.

Q-tips say: Yes, we did enjoy & had some laughs.

If you enjoy seeing divas do their thing on the big screen, it’s definitely worth watching. Also, enjoy the scenes in Key West. Fl.

Mrs. Q says: This was definitely “chick flick” but fun! How can you go wrong with this cast?
Anyone who has had friends who drifted away during the “busy” years will understand 2 things:
1) Young adult friends know you almost better than anyone else and you never forget them, and
2) Those very friends can pick up where you left off, even after time and distance.
So this movie was fun, funny, and a chance to remember those people.
Don’t expect a deep dive into anything- just sit back and be entertained

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